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"Giving Tuesday" Special Offer

HELPS Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping every Bible reader deepen their understanding of God’s Word. This year, we are expanding our reach in Asia by providing training and distributing The Discovery Bible, as many in the region cannot afford original language training or Bible study resources. All proceeds from software sales and donations go directly to supporting the ministry projects that make a lasting impact.

This Amazing Offer Includes Everything Below

when you get the Discovery Bible at its LOWEST subscription price ever!

Total Value:


Watch To See More Features...

Full License To Discovery Bible

$1,555 Value

Prophecy Pointers

($397 Value)

15+ Classic Commentaries

($397 Value)

Bonus Jumpstart Resources

($201 Value)

Special Announcement! 

Qualify for Early Access to the Discovery Mobile App…

A brand new mobile version of The Discovery Bible App for iOS and Android is still in development. But if you take advantage of the above, you will also qualify for free usage of the Full Version of the Discovery Bible Mobile App as an early access tester before its official release!

Given these difficult times, we’ve decided to include early access to the mobile app as part of our annual subscription, at the lowest rate ever!

You will receive instructions to download the mobile app (complimentary early access) by email. (All bonus jumpstart resources will be included as well.)

Become A Sponsor

Double The Total Value!
You Will Be Taken To A Secure Site Called Fast Spring To Enter Payment Details
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Want access that automatically renews every year until canceled? Start using it immediately!


See Why So Many People Just Like You Are
Reading With The Discovery Bible

Living Word Christian Churches

Cebu, Philippines

Tom & Vicky Mahairas


Cherry Bagayna

Bible Reader - Philippines

Barney Lau

Pastor - Singapore

Neal Letteney

Bible Teacher - USA

James Adika

Pastor -Kenya

Anthony Trinidad

Bible Teacher - Philippines

Xerxes Duane Magdaluyo

Missionary - Philippines

That Is Why So Many Scholars Endorse The Discovery Bible

Dr. Grant Osborne – Former professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

“The Discovery Bible helps the person who has not been able to study Greek or Hebrew in-depth, to discover deep observations of the Hebrew and Greek texts which they would not be able to know otherwise. It is of special help to the non-specialist without opportunity for this level of in-depth study.

I recommend it for pastors, and for those without training, that makes observations from the Hebrew and Greek texts very understandable.

HELPS puts this level of knowledge into usable concepts, so that the non-specialist could come to new understandings. These comments apply to both the lexical and the syntactical parts of The Discovery Bible, Old and New Testaments.”

J. I. Packer – American theologian and prolific author.

“The Discovery Bible New Testament is a landmark volume. It makes available to students of the English Bible dimensions of meaning that the Greek verb tenses and word-order convey, but that cannot be expressed in ordinary translations because English is a less subtle language.

The markings in the text and the glossary of synonyms reflect impeccable linguistic scholarship. The system of symbols is easy to learn and the effect of working with the volume is like adding color to black-and-white photos.

The would-be teacher who wants to bring out the full weight of meaning that the New Testament carries now has two choices. One is to spend some years studying Greek, classical as well as New Testament, so as to be able to spot each nuance accurately for oneself. The other is to use The Discovery Bible, and start getting it all right as of now. Gary Hill and Gleason Archer, who devised this precious students’ aid, deserve our profoundest thanks.” *

Dr. Eugene Merrill – Former professor of Old Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary.

“I have looked through the HELPS markings on The Discovery Bible Old Testament and find them fully reliable.

They ingeniously lead out the fuller Hebrew meanings of vocabulary/near synonyms, verbs, and emphasis shown by the original word order. The determinations of emphasis in the Hebrew text by Gleason Archer and Gary Hill soundly reflect the best of classical and modern scholarship.

This applies also to the presentation of data in the NT portion.”

*These endorsements are for the original 1987 Discovery Bible New Testament published by Moody Press.

What's Inside of the deal?

Is It Worth It?

Start Without Any Background In Greek Or Hebrew

Anyone can start using The Discovery Bible and instantly apply the original languages of the Bible in a practical way to their Bible reading.

Forget Ongoing Tuition Fees And Boring Language Classes

Previously you had to spends lots of time and money if you wanted to learn Greek and Hebrew. Now you can skip all of that and get the benefits straight away.

Start Without Any Background In Greek Or Hebrew

Relying on Greek and Hebrew (and not only on English translations) not only gives you more to interpret, but enables you to confidently come to conclusions.

What You're
Going to Get...

Full License to Discovery Bible

$1,555 Value

Prophecy Pointers

$397 Value

Classic Commentaries Collection

$797 Value

Bonus Resources

$201 Value

Become A Sponsor

Double The Total Value!

Special Announcement! 

Qualify for Early Access to the Discovery Mobile App…

A brand new mobile version of The Discovery Bible App for iOS and Android is still in development. But if you take advantage of the above, you will also qualify for free usage of the Full Version of the Discovery Bible Mobile App as an early access tester before its official release!

Given these difficult times, we’ve decided to include early access to the mobile app as part of our annual subscription, at the lowest rate ever!

You will receive instructions to download the mobile app (complimentary early access) by email. (All bonus jumpstart resources will be included as well.)

Total Value:
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  • 00Seconds

You Will Be Taken To A Secure Site Called Fast Spring To Enter Payment Details. This Is A Subscription That Renews Yearly Until Cancelled.

The Discovery Bible App/Software/Book is a product of H.E.L.P.S. Ministries, Inc, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization incorporated in the state of Illinois, USA. We are a parachurch ministry and not solely connected to any one denomination. We gladly give and sell our resources to anyone who would find them useful, especially passionate, dedicated, Bible readers. While doctrinal differences may occur in our theological application of Bible words (found in our devotional articles and ‘for debate’ sections), the definitions themselves, along with the Greek and Hebrew grammatical insights, are not based on any disputed theological topics. With this in mind, we believe any committed Bible reader will find value in The Discovery Bible and its related resources.